Outside the marginals

A commentary on the politics that followed the UK elections of 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2019 (and THAT referendum)

Social Engineering

This used to be something that the Socialists were accused of doing; now it seems to be a Conservative practice.

£3 per week for the married – raises a number of questions:

  • What other social goods might we achieve for £3 per week?  For instance:
    • Families that live in decent housing have better outcomes – therefore let’s pay those in good houses £3 per week.
    • Families whose children go to university also tend to have better outcomes – therefore let’s pay those who go to university £3 per week (to offset the charges on students supported by most parties).
  • Is there a business opportunity for some entrepreneur to set up an introduction agency for “tax buddies” – those wanting to get married for the tax break (without the sex – I belief there are already agencies for people who want the sex without the marriage).
  • Might this tax bribe encourage those who are not really committed, to get married and once they are married decide to bring children into an “uncommitted relationship” – or will the £3 per week make them magically “more committed”?

These proposals deserve serious consideration – or at least the same level of consideration as the other headline grabbing dog whistle policies.

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